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Lisa Bryson

Artist Statement

"Through direct and purposeful manipulation of the physical representation of the human form and media, my work examines the state of being. Overtness and subtlety consistently interplay and enhance the complex visual dialogue. Anarchic bodies, large cavernous mouths, and inaudible screams exemplify the overt. Subtlety is evidenced in the reductive process that gnaws at the placid and familiar. These multifaceted narratives simultaneously exemplify and redefine the burden of humanity."


Lisa Bryson is a San Diego, California native. She has a BFA in painting from Arizona State University and an MA in Art Education from Boston University. In May 2017, Bryson was awarded a Master of Fine Arts in Painting from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and was granted a Teaching Fellowship from UMD. In April of 2018, the artist was awarded a prestigious Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation grant in painting. Her work has shown regionally, nationally and internationally and was published in the American Art Collector Magazine, February 2020–2021, April 2021 and February 2022 issues. In 2021, her work was included in The Bennett Collection of women realist painters.